loVe the oUtsiders

he can create adventures & keep an interest in the game.. always knows how to surprise me.. why not love him?

sMokiNg aRea

everything can be addictive.. only if you want it too..

reSerVing a spaCe in yoUr heaRt

Let me intRodUce yOu mySelf

..I often lost in beauty & in shopping..everything i want is almost illegal, fattening, expensive or impossible..some times i lost in my thoughts cause there nobody can touch anything.. 
there everything is beautiful & innocent. i love fashion & desing..i'm trying to see icons in a different way.. i love love & passion..i love to being in love.& i love to travel in all the world.. 

fLy awAy

~NeVer lOve anYbody wHo treAts yOu liKe yoU’re oRdinary.~
- Oscar Wilde

cRy me Crazy

Whatever happens we have to deal it with a dose of madness's always easier ..
trust me ;)